Donate stocks or give through your IRA and make an impact
Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds, and mutual funds
Support Silent Spring Institute’s work by making a gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. A gift of appreciated securities provides significant benefits, including an immediate charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock and avoidance of capital gains taxes that would normally be due upon sale.
Here’s how:
1. Fill out this form to notify us of your intent to donate stock.
2. Authorize your broker to transfer shares to Silent Spring Institute.
Electronic transfer to:
Broker: Fidelity Investments
Account number: Z20-625786
DTC#: 0226
For any questions, contact:
Rachel d’Oronzio Sarvey, Director of Development
(617) 332-4288 ext 215,
or Diane Czwakiel, Director of Finance and Administration
(617) 332-4288 ext 216,
Gifts through your IRA
Gifting funds directly from your IRA is one of the most tax beneficial means of charitable giving.
If you are 70½ or older, you can make a tax-free distribution from your traditional or Roth IRA to Silent Spring Institute.
You can donate up to $100,000 each year without incurring income tax on your withdrawal.
Here’s how:
1. Notify your IRA plan administrator to direct distributions in the amount of your choosing from your traditional or Roth IRA to Silent Spring Institute. This can be a one-time or recurring gift. View a sample transfer letter here. If you would like a Word version of the letter, please email
2. The distributions will go directly to Silent Spring Institute and are not subject to federal income tax.
3. Notify Silent Spring Institute about your gift by completing this form. Or contact Rachel d’Oronzio Sarvey, Director of Development, at 617.332.4288 ext 215 or

Silent Spring is the only organization I know of that is talking about prevention. When you give to Silent Spring you see the outcomes of their research. They’re actually changing the way people live their lives. That’s not something you often see with other organizations.
Jill BalmuthDonor